What is MarbleClash?
MarbleClash is the first NFT card game based on MarbleCards. MarbleClash offers you the possibility to play against other players with your MarbleCards!
All about the game and the creators of MarbleClash
MarbleClash is the first NFT card game based on MarbleCards. MarbleClash offers you the possibility to play against other players with your MarbleCards!
Since I ( dehenne ) am a big fan of MarbleCards, I have grown more and more into the community. In the beginning, MarbleCards were only meant for collecting and you couldn't do much with the Cards. Collecting and competing in arenas plus playing something in Discord, was all that you could do with MarbleCards.
But since they are cards, in my opinion, you should also use them for playing. During the Christmas holidays, I built a first test version which I presented to the community.
The goal from the beginning was to support the MarbleCards universe and to give the cards another reason to exist. After 4 months of free time development and the first tournament, the MarbleCards team offered their support in the form of funding, ideas, and further support.
You can find more information under
MarbleClash is a web-based game. That means you can play MarbleClash with any major browser.
Currently, the game is supported only on desktop computers. However, the mobile version is definitely in the works and soon you'll be able to play MarbleClash on your smartphone on the go!
Not at all. However, it makes it easier for you. Basically, you just need to understand how the cards get into your wallet. Then you can start playing.
You need to know how to get cards and how a wallet works. If you need help with this just have a look at our Discord server. there are a lot of people here who are happy to help you.
Basically, MarbleClash is free to play. The only thing you need are MarbleCards. Here you have different ways to get cards.
The game itself is free and if you have 10 cards or more you can start playing right away.
We have written several guides that go deeper and more in-depth into the game. Here you will get tips and explanations.
You need to give your user a username. MarbleClash gets its usernames directly from marble.cards. If you don't have a username set, please go to marble.cards and set a username. If you have done that and your user still does not appear, please contact dehenne on the Discord server
MarbleClash gives you something to play MarbleClash. How cool is that?
The prizes will be distributed as follows: