

___  ___           _     _      _____               _
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______       _   _   _                                    
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\____/ \__,_|\__|\__|_|\___|                              


- Date: 5/12/21
- Player1: bambinja
- Player2: bla_bla_bla

### Result

- Player1: 0
- Player2: 5

- 🏆 Winner: bla_bla_bla


### Round: 1

- Player 1 Card: #101000 - Distribute Evil Eye !!! - Jewelry | Eye art, Art, Surreal art
- Player 2 Card: #12639 - 🦑 Squid Emoji

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Achievement  Yes
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Contain Letter  O
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Under 67320
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 2

- Player 1 Card: #105193 - SURPRISE BABES! @kissmypeachswimwear Is Finally Here ✨👙✨ Get Your New Fav Bikin...
- Player 2 Card: #6896 - A Game of Thrones (First Edition)

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Attribute  Not Gold
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Collection From  Bitcoin.org, Myanimelist.net, Wikiart.org
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Under 185
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 3

- Player 1 Card: #98245 - Michael Jackson Has Now Charted Hits On The Hot 100 In Seven Different Decades
- Player 2 Card: #18939 - My cab driver tonight was so excited to share with me that he'd made the cover of the calendar. I told him I'd help let the world see : funny

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 74
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Collection From  Gfycat.com, Metacritic.com, Reddit.com
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Card Title Number of rows  2
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

### Round: 4

- Player 1 Card: #94549 - In the movie The Matrix, (1959) Neo stops a lot of bullets. This was not CGI. Keanu Reeves himself insisted on doing this dangerous scene. He politely said no to the bullets and they were not legally allowed to penetrate Reeves. : shittymoviedetails
- Player 2 Card: #409 - Nintendo - Official Site - Video Game Consoles, Games

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Contain Letter  Q
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 73
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Generation  GEN0
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 5

- Player 1 Card: #95119 - Warcraft movie - Garona cosplay by ver1sa on DeviantArt
- Player 2 Card: #60598 - In 1988, Acid House Swept Britain. These Fliers Tell the Story.  - The New York Times

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Closest 88
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  One of the Card Labels:  origin, genesis, phoenix, signed, edition
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Generation  GEN1
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

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