

___  ___           _     _      _____               _
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\____/ \__,_|\__|\__|_|\___|                              


- Date: 5/12/21
- Player1: SatoshiNakamoto
- Player2: supahmarbler

### Result

- Player1: 1
- Player2: 4

- 🏆 Winner: supahmarbler


### Round: 1

- Player 1 Card: #37757 - BMW News and Reviews | Motor1.com
- Player 2 Card: #30887 - The Fox - PXLPET #3

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Closest 33335
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Card Title Number of rows  2
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Under 114
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 2

- Player 1 Card: #82939 - CHADS VC price today, CHADS live marketcap, chart, and info | CoinMarketCap
- Player 2 Card: #58478 - Video Game: Kirby: Planet Robobot (Nintendo 3DS, Japan)

- Player 1: 0.5 round score
- Player 2: 0.5 round score

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Under 97
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Highest
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card Attribute  Not Gold
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 3

- Player 1 Card: #82920 - Axie Infinity price today, AXS live marketcap, chart, and info | CoinMarketCap
- Player 2 Card: #4 - Bitcoin - Open source P2P money

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Under 2
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Contain Letter  G
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card Title Number of rows  3
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 0

### Round: 4

- Player 1 Card: #54 - Bitcoin price, charts, market cap, and other metrics | CoinMarketCap
- Player 2 Card: #23911 - DOGE much space on Behance

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 84
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Lowest
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Generation  GEN0
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 5

- Player 1 Card: #83224 - Pumpanomics price today, PUMP live marketcap, chart, and info | CoinMarketCap
- Player 2 Card: #31958 - Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here by Ulviyya Ali | Free Listening on SoundCloud

- Player 1: 0.5 round score
- Player 2: 0.5 round score

    #### Quest:  Contain Number  9
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card Title Number of rows  3
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Collection From  Coingecko.com, Nasa.gov, Reddit.com
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

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