

___  ___           _     _      _____               _
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\____/ \__,_|\__|\__|_|\___|                              


- Date: 11/14/21
- Player1: iArsky
- Player2: PatzoMarco

### Result

- Player1: 1.5
- Player2: 3.5

- 🏆 Winner: PatzoMarco


### Round: 1

- Player 1 Card: #216742 - Rubber Dxcks on Behance
- Player 2 Card: #192141 - Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Official Video)

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Closest 269
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Collection From  Behance.net, Google.com, Medium.com, Nintendo.com, Opensea.io
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Above 186521
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 2

- Player 1 Card: #218428 - Extreme Banana Nut Bread 'EBNB' Recipe
- Player 2 Card: #131951 - Model 3 | Tesla Portugal

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 90
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Closest 148642
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Card Attribute  Gold
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 3

- Player 1 Card: #217031 - The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) - IMDb
- Player 2 Card: #147999 - Darth Vader (Death Star Silver) | Tokens and Casino Chips
 | hobbyDB

- Player 1: 1 round score
- Player 2: 0 round score

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Closest 205931
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Collection From  Hobbydb.com, Substack.com, Timecoverstore.com, Unsplash.com, Waitbutwhy.com
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 73
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 1
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 4

- Player 1 Card: #218955 - Putin GIF - Putin
- Player 2 Card: #166840 - Palace of Illusion – MEME.COM BLOG

- Player 1: 0.5 round score
- Player 2: 0.5 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Title Number of rows  1
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 2
    - Player 2 score : 0

    #### Quest:  Card Level  Above 75
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Achievement  Yes
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

### Round: 5

- Player 1 Card: #218431 - We'll bang, OK? | Know Your Meme
- Player 2 Card: #100299 - The Sims 2: Double Deluxe : Electronic Arts/Maxis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

- Player 1: 0 round score
- Player 2: 1 round score

    #### Quest:  Card Attribute  Gold
    - Points to get: 2
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 2

    #### Quest:  Card ID  Lowest
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 1

    #### Quest:  Collection ID  Under 216
    - Points to get: 1
    - Player 1 score : 0
    - Player 2 score : 0

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